Interviews and Remarks on Resistance and Resilience


Answers from Anne Applebaum - 2025  ( 12min)

Berlin, March 2025

The world has changed. It was long expected, and yet, of course, it happened completely unexpectedly.

The perceived stability of the long decades following the last great world war is over. Liberal democracy, which has served so many of us well, is now in jeopardy as anarchy between states begins to take hold once again.

How resilient must democracy be? Internally? And how resilient externally? What defenses are necessary? Which ones are indispensable? What must we give up for the moment? What must we never surrender under any circumstances?

Times are becoming more realistic. The self-deceptions of the liberal democracy are falling.  Reality kicks in. And what remains, at least for now, is a great deal of uncertainty, concern, and the first signs of panic.

How should we deal with this? We, who are unprepared for it.

What can we, what should we do? What are we willing to do? How much courage do we have? How much courage would we need?

And what about Ukraine? And what about China and India? And what about artificial intelligence? And what about the coming revolution in synthetic biology?

And what about the climate catastrophe, the biggest elephant in the room? Now that 3–4 degrees of average warming by the end of the century no longer seem seriously preventable?

What about the tipping points?

What about our deep sense of being mentally and emotionally overwhelmed?

And what opportunities might still lie hidden within this crisis?

Dirk Wilutzky, Filmmaker and Producer



Answers from Jeff Goeldberg - 2025  ( 12min)


Answers from Jimmy Kimmel  - 2025  ( 12min)


Answers from ....  - 2025  ( 12min)

Berlin, March 2025

The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed.

The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed.

The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed.

The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed.

Anne Rübesam, Human rights Lawyer and Filmmaker


Berlin, March 2025

The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed.

The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed.

The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed.

The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed. The world has changed.

Daniel Kehlmann, Autor



These are the questions that will be explored in this new  short film series


The interview partners will include philosophers, historians, scientists, authors, artists, activists, and engaged citizens.- Each film will be 10–15 minutes long and will aim to provide focused responses to our dramatci situation at teh ebgining of this new Zeitalter, and will encourgae the audiecne to step forward and be part of the global democratic resistance

Between the films, there will be transcribed and edited longer versions of the interviews, as well as very short, essayistic "remarks on gloabl resistance " from authors and thinkers from around the world. And music.

Ultimately, of course, this is precisely the collection of material for the feature film that, in retrospect, can be produced from it in two to three years.

The website consists of short films and comments - remarks - with a maximum length of 250 words.

The authors include the producers of the series as well as various interesting public intellectuals.

Additionally, the interviewees from the short films can continuously comment on their own statements or those of other protagonists with brief remarks.

The comments will be curated by the producers of the series and the website.

Everything revolves around the question of how to deal with this situation and how we can all contribute to strengthening and defending liberal democracy in the USA, as well as in many other countries where the threat is equally great.

Additionally, the interviews are transcribed, edited, and published on the website as a journalistic interview series in a longer form than the excerpts used in the short films.

Furthermore, selected excerpts from the interviews are adapted for social media and posted on both good and bad platforms, always linking back to the website.

And so on...